I was recently clearing my computer and I found my daughters 2nd Birthday Party. I thought it was worth the share. Of course it was Frozen theme, she love the movie and the soundtrack was either playing or being enacted in our house constantly :) 2nd birthdays are my favorite because they get so excited about everything! and appreciate all the simple things. I knew this theme would put her over the moon and I was rewarded with so many fun memories from this day
For the invite I found this blank Frozen Ticket that I filled in. I liked all the spaces they had for information. I was easily able to fit everything on. Here is the Link to this adorable invite.
For the Decor we tried to use what we had around the house. I got some Sticks from outside and spray painted them white. Then we used Coffee Filters to make the perfect Snow Flakes. We filled up a few Balloons and hung them with some Tissue Paper Balls I made. I just crumpled up some newspaper wrapped some tape around it so it would keep its shape and hot glued tissue paper to it! SO EASY!!! I used a plastic table cloth as a table runner and set the food out. I also love my Chalkboard, it is fun for all occasions and can be used at any party or event. I was lucky to find that frame at a thrift store. I took the picture out, spray painted the frame Gold, and then spray painted the backing with Chalk Board Spray. It was cheap and well worth it :)
We had so much fun with the food, we had TWO requirements...
1) enough to feed us all of Lunch,
2) food my kids like, especially the birthday girl
We found lots of good food ideas online and made up a few have fun scrolling through :)
For the cake I went simple I found those figurines, printed off some pictures and slapped on two Candles. She couldn't have been more thrilled with the end product!
and I'll leave these special moments right here, eating cake, opening presents, and
most important, saying THANK YOU to our guests
Thanks for Stopping by :) come again!